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Wednesday 25 January 2012

ceilings ...people...friends

Days come and go as do friends....but you know you have some great friends and some friends not so much.......but you should still treat both as you want to be treated. I think it is wrong to treat ppl as though you are better than them or in fact better than everyone.

I was sitting thinking earlier about ppl in my life and was really thinking of those ppl who would I consider to be a friend.??..or just an acquaintance...??....I decided they are all a bit of both  :)  Although I will not let many ppl get very close to me I do have some close friends :)

I was laying down and for whatever reason was staring at my ceiling ...yup being ceiling is bumpy , kinda rough, patched here and there but not smoothly, yet it is soft...perhaps because it is Pink ?? I am unsure but I like it !

 For reasons unknown this led me to think about the people in my life......


  1. I wonder how many ceiling ppl are in everyone else's life.......

  2. HAha I am a big pink bump but getting smaller!
    Miss you!
