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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Happy yet Sad

There are some things going on that are making me feel very happy like decorating for Christmas !!  I am also part of a Gift Advent train so each day I can open a gift right up to Christmas Day !!! 

I also feel Happy that I helped to give another family a Happy Christmas by donating lots of food, gifts ,toiletries and cleaning supplies plus a bag of goodies for their dog as well as many bags of food ! I could not have done this without help from some amazing friends ....(you guys know who you are;))!!!

Now the 2 things that have made me cry away all my pretty...are #1 someone stole my SDM points :( I saved them all year for Mega Redemption which only happens 1x a year.....I had plans for those points ....they were worth $500 I was going to use a portion of that to give more to the hamper family and gifts for other ppl .....thankfully I used 3 redemption's @ a 24hr SDM or I may have had all my points stolen !!  There are multiple other ppl who have lost points also and I really feel for them,

Now the 2nd thing is I had an eye injury almost 1 1/2 yrs ago and have been seeing a specialist regularly every few weeks since ....well I knew it was taking along time to heal and was at the point where I thought I was just going to have some impaired vision . I was sadly mistaken :( it turns out I will be needing a corneal transplant....that is shocking news ...but that part doesn't really upset me is the process that will happen while I wait for the transplant. The Dr. told me I will go blind in that eye :( he does not know how fast that will happen...I never realised I took being able to see for I sit here cryng away more of my pretty even though it will not change things. I don't feel sorry for myself but am feeling like why can't I catch a break??  I feel kinda angry .....

Thursday 1 December 2011


So today I will post some pictures of the gifts my friends and I collected for the Christmas Hamper being hosted by my mom's office ....I am so excited for all we are able to give this family !!

I also did some baking of Bits and Bites for home/family/and friends :) My buddy traded me some of hers and omigosh it is yummy !! I am going to be making Peanut Butter Balls and something else but haven't decided yet LOL I need to buy cherries before I can make Peanut Butter Balls I will probably make some cookies and fudge....maybe Turtle Pecan Bars or Skor Bars...

the above is a gift a friend sent me for Christmas :)

I am also very excited about the upcoming Mega Redemption of SDM points !!! I have saved my points all year for this coming week-end where my 95,000 points would only be worth $170  well this coming week-end they are worth $250 *shakes with excitement*

I am already examining my flyer to figure out my plan of attack !LOL last year I had enough points to redeem 3 times for a value of $750...this year I will have enough to redeem $1250 next year I plan to have alot more points now that I learnt how to make points without spending hardly any money !! I prob spent a few $200 over the course of the year but on reg items I would normally buy (groceries) and cat litter LOL

I plan to use a portion of my redemption's for reg groceries (using coupons also ) and some towards the hamper plus I will buy a few gifts for family and friends, I am also going to use some for cat food/litter ect....

oh the excitement although I am pretty sick right now I am hoping it doesn't interfere with my shopping plans !!...catch you later