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Wednesday 25 January 2012

ceilings ...people...friends

Days come and go as do friends....but you know you have some great friends and some friends not so much.......but you should still treat both as you want to be treated. I think it is wrong to treat ppl as though you are better than them or in fact better than everyone.

I was sitting thinking earlier about ppl in my life and was really thinking of those ppl who would I consider to be a friend.??..or just an acquaintance...??....I decided they are all a bit of both  :)  Although I will not let many ppl get very close to me I do have some close friends :)

I was laying down and for whatever reason was staring at my ceiling ...yup being ceiling is bumpy , kinda rough, patched here and there but not smoothly, yet it is soft...perhaps because it is Pink ?? I am unsure but I like it !

 For reasons unknown this led me to think about the people in my life......

Sunday 8 January 2012

a Bit of This and That 2012

So some time has gone by since I last posted...quick recap on events:
with the help of friends /family we gathered enough food and toys for our hamper family to have a very nice Christmas !!

I spent Christmas with my family and I had a great time !! of course I brought Jezz along :) Boy do I love that cat !! Christmas was great ...everyone enjoyed their gifts !! I received some very awesome gifts from friends and family !!!

So the new year has started....I have some plans/goals for this year : I am not setting them too high as why set myself of for failure!
my first goal is to lose weight ! I have started a workout plan using my treadmill multiple times a day for starters....then really watching what I am eating !! I am not going to eliminate some of my higher calorie likes   but will save them for week-end treats !

my next goal is to have enough of certain items that I will not have to  buy them until close to next November ...

so far I have enough of these items to last til 2013 here they are :
:cat food (13 bags )
mushroom soup (72 cans)
tomato soup (72 cans)
pasta sauce (20 jars)
cereal (12 boxes)
other soups (24 cans)
coffee(5 large cans)
coffee k-kups(40ish boxes)
instant coffee (8 jars)
juice (15 shelf juice)
25 fpc's fridge juice
kitty litter (8 pails)..need a few more
dish soap (15)..maybe more
laundry soap (20 bottles)
bathroom cleaners..(16 cans/sprays)
swifter duster (20 boxes)
bounce /snuggle (20 boxes)
toothpaste (20 tubes)
mouth wash  (6 huge bottles)
aveeno assorted products..(enough for 1 year)

so clearly I have quite enough of some products to last a year but there are still things I either need to buy or just buy a sm amount to to have enough for 1 year!

I am hoping by doing this I will even have money  to save !!

so signing off for today will post with pics again shortly :)