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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Happy yet Sad

There are some things going on that are making me feel very happy like decorating for Christmas !!  I am also part of a Gift Advent train so each day I can open a gift right up to Christmas Day !!! 

I also feel Happy that I helped to give another family a Happy Christmas by donating lots of food, gifts ,toiletries and cleaning supplies plus a bag of goodies for their dog as well as many bags of food ! I could not have done this without help from some amazing friends ....(you guys know who you are;))!!!

Now the 2 things that have made me cry away all my pretty...are #1 someone stole my SDM points :( I saved them all year for Mega Redemption which only happens 1x a year.....I had plans for those points ....they were worth $500 I was going to use a portion of that to give more to the hamper family and gifts for other ppl .....thankfully I used 3 redemption's @ a 24hr SDM or I may have had all my points stolen !!  There are multiple other ppl who have lost points also and I really feel for them,

Now the 2nd thing is I had an eye injury almost 1 1/2 yrs ago and have been seeing a specialist regularly every few weeks since ....well I knew it was taking along time to heal and was at the point where I thought I was just going to have some impaired vision . I was sadly mistaken :( it turns out I will be needing a corneal transplant....that is shocking news ...but that part doesn't really upset me is the process that will happen while I wait for the transplant. The Dr. told me I will go blind in that eye :( he does not know how fast that will happen...I never realised I took being able to see for I sit here cryng away more of my pretty even though it will not change things. I don't feel sorry for myself but am feeling like why can't I catch a break??  I feel kinda angry .....

Thursday 1 December 2011


So today I will post some pictures of the gifts my friends and I collected for the Christmas Hamper being hosted by my mom's office ....I am so excited for all we are able to give this family !!

I also did some baking of Bits and Bites for home/family/and friends :) My buddy traded me some of hers and omigosh it is yummy !! I am going to be making Peanut Butter Balls and something else but haven't decided yet LOL I need to buy cherries before I can make Peanut Butter Balls I will probably make some cookies and fudge....maybe Turtle Pecan Bars or Skor Bars...

the above is a gift a friend sent me for Christmas :)

I am also very excited about the upcoming Mega Redemption of SDM points !!! I have saved my points all year for this coming week-end where my 95,000 points would only be worth $170  well this coming week-end they are worth $250 *shakes with excitement*

I am already examining my flyer to figure out my plan of attack !LOL last year I had enough points to redeem 3 times for a value of $750...this year I will have enough to redeem $1250 next year I plan to have alot more points now that I learnt how to make points without spending hardly any money !! I prob spent a few $200 over the course of the year but on reg items I would normally buy (groceries) and cat litter LOL

I plan to use a portion of my redemption's for reg groceries (using coupons also ) and some towards the hamper plus I will buy a few gifts for family and friends, I am also going to use some for cat food/litter ect....

oh the excitement although I am pretty sick right now I am hoping it doesn't interfere with my shopping plans !!...catch you later

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Christmas Chatter

So I really should be sleeping ...hehe but here I am I finished up my shopping for an Advent Gift was fun but time consuming especially the wrapping part !! Every year I get chapped fingers from all the taping of gifts ...maybe since I started early to get them wrapped it won't happen this year :O)

I have also managed to gather all these items for the Christmas Hamper @my mom's office..(will post pic tomorrow )
and with he help of another buddy will have multiple treats and small toys to add also !! I am pretty excited to make sure the selected family gets a rocking great hamper !!!
ok bye for now .......

Monday 14 November 2011

Getting Ready for Christmas

So it is the middle of November and I have finished some of my Christmas shopping . YAY !!!  I have found the right things so far I hate it when I am shopping and you may find things ...but you feel they are not the "right" item. So far I have found 4 gifts I am very happy about . I won't be spending as much this year as other years as with having a new house just recently there are all types of smaller expenses popping a doorknob or screen latch or light does feel never ending though....

I am excited to meet up with my buddy tomorrow to see the Christmas treasures she has found !!! I know there is some Christmas statues and some light up window type thingys oooh I am excited !!!

Will be back soon :)

Thursday 3 November 2011

chit chat

WOW I can't believe that October is gone and Halloween went by so quickly !!! I did not decorate as much as I had hoped to I just wasn't as prepared as I thought...but there is always next year :)

I had made up 80 treat bags and over the course of an hour or so they were gone...not as many kids as I thought but still a good number :)

Now I need to get cracking on Christmas LOL

Back up I did manage to make 12 canning jars of Salsa....first time and so far everyone who tasted it loves it !!! YAY  but my gosh I need to get a food processor I couldn't believe how long it took to chop up everything !

Then I prepared a macaroni mix with corn and hamburger...simmilar to hamburger helper just made from scratch LOL So I ate some for supper then froze the rest !!

Then I helped organize for my Mom's Office to do a Christmas Hamper for a family :) I have many friends helping me out with this also far I came across a sale of cereal and coffee...this is what $20 can buy after coupons of course ;)

So tomorrow I have a plan to cash out some of my SDM points but my goal is to earn the same if not more points back !!! we shall see...bye for now....

Monday 17 October 2011


By the way my so proud of me feeling for not smoking has pretty much gone out the window as I have had many cheats :(....yes I am not smoking what I was ..but I had planned to be quit completely ! Each day is a new day I suppose.....

Time sure flys by....

Ok so some time has gone by and I haven't blogged...oops !! so I will back track...

Thaanksgiving was amazing !! There is nothing like Family, Friends and good..or should I say great food I was at my mom's recently and we were talking about things we have to be thankful for.....

I realized I had a pretty big list of things and people I am Thankful for.

Where would I be right now without the BEST MOM EVER ??FRIENDS ?? MY BELOVED FURR BABY?? EXTENDED FAMILY??  I would most certainly be ALONE...that in it self is such a sad thought/feeling :(

I am thankful for so much more ! I have an amazing buddy who helps me find awesome deals and shares the deals she finds with me ! I am so thankful she is my friend ! I am  thankful for my furr baby Jezz ! She gives me her purrs and snuggles with little kissies and listens to me ramble on end ...and never one does she judge me ! All she wants is LOVe in return oh and FOOD and TREATS LOL...

While at my moms she gave me a beautiful Handmade Star Blanket that matches my room perfectly as a house warming gift...I will post a pic in my next post :)

So over the past week-end much more items were unpacked and put away yet there is still stuff everywhere LOL...slowly but surely everything will find it's place I just wish it would find itself to those locations !! ahhh a magic wand is what I need !

Yet by having to put things away I am really seeing how much stuff I have a re-evaluating how much stuff I actually have and think I am going to be buying more on a NEED vs WANT,,,,,,

by the way I know I am not using all the appropriate grammer..BUT this is my blog and I will write how I feel regardless if anyone is reading/following :)

I am as I unpack putting some NEW items aside for a Christmas Hamper my mom is putting together for a needy family will most certainly feel good to give a less fortunate family a rocking great hamper ! I know how it feels to be without and if I can give I will.....

so until next time....

Friday 7 October 2011

AHHHHH Life.....

Hello :) Today was a pretty calm day I actually did very little.....I am still not feeling well :( So not too much to say thought I would just pop in .....

One exciting thing did happen today !!!! My KRYOS TOUCHSCREEN TABLET was delivered by Canada post !!! I am pretty excited about it :) I think I shall sign off and go check it out :)

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Another Day of Happiness

So today started just like every other day I am awoken by the purrs of my lil' fur baby gentle and loving as she is...I wish I could re-program this event to happen later than 6am !!!!

Today I moved around some furniture and did more laundry.  One thing that is always certain to occur besides Death and Taxes is...dishes and laundry LOL

Today I organized a few coupon trains ...hopefully to send out tomorrow....I often do this not only to spread around coupons I have but also in hopes of receiving coupons I can't gosh I am sitting here typing with a terrible headache....wishing so desperately that I was/could sleep :(.....

I am Proud of myself :)

So as previously mentioned I had an event planned for Monday....I have now QUIT smoking !! I am rather excited about it...why I am unsure ! I am still thinking about smoking....but thinking is okay doing is not :)

I have put some more items away and tackled the laundry...I must say I love having a washer and dryer again !!

I haven't much to say thinking I may put up some Halloween decorations tomorrow ...maybe just on the windows as stuff inside is still everywhere's........catch you later :)

Saturday 1 October 2011

My New House :)

I must say although I still feel somewhat overwhelmed.....I love ,love my new house!!! I moved in just a few days ago...not much has been put together or away...

I am now sick and just feel awful :( I am somewhat short of breath and have such a headache...but the stress of moving is gone ;)

Jezzee, has settled into this house faster than any other place I have lived with her! She acts as though she has always lived here .....A house just fit for my little Princess !

I have a big plan I hope to begin Monday morning...I actually feel somewhat excited :)...bye for now

Thursday 22 September 2011

Overwhelmed Once Again

Overwhelmed once again ! I find moving so stressful my gosh I hate packing !!
I have come to see I have way to many possessions...this is something I need to keep in check for I really hate clutter !!
I really did not do too much today..packed a bit ...but mainly was just lost in my own thoughts...often I wish I did not think so much...
I did manage to score some awesome coupons today via trade..but mainly I thought about my new house and how things are going to work...should I get a new roommate or keep the one I have and hope he keeps his word ??? oh gosh I wish I had a crystal ball...hey wait I do lol but it has never shown me the future :/...anyways going to go for now and try sleeping yet again ...sweet dreams <3

I am not all that I was, I am more than I will be…


Thoughts, are emotions put into words…. What you see is what you get and nothing less, but everything more. This blog isn’t about you, it is about me. The content of this blog will vary. Poetry, thoughts, ideas, feelings, day to day events, friends and even the not so pretty meanings behind how little lines fail to make pretty pictures.